Nagaland Tourism Policy

Nagaland Tourism Policy

Nagaland’s tourism resources are immense. Natural beauty in its varied forms is the State’s major asset. Lush green vegetation having interesting flora and fauna, deep valleys with glistening streams, natural lakes, hill agriculture and pleasant climate throughout the year are unique natural features of the State. Additionally, its history, ethnic tribal culture reflected through folk dances, music, festivals, handicrafts and the mysticism associated with the customs and ways of its hill tribes has been the source of great curiosity to not only Indians but people all over the world. It is a land of charm, diverse in landscape, culture and offers opportunities for whole range of tourism activities, which to date has remained largely untapped.

The Department of Tourism in the State was created in the year 1981. Since then, tourism has been experiencing a slow but steady growth. The available tourists’ statistics show that during the last 5 years, the number of

1,25,000 per year, while foreign tourists have ranged from 2000-5000 approximately, so far. The State Government having realized the importance of tourism for the socio- economic development of the State has declared Tourism as a ‘Priority Sector’ under the State Industrial Policy of Nagaland, 2000.

Nagaland, no doubt, still has a long way to go towards developing tourism in the State and has its own constrains due to the general perceptions regarding security and law and order conditions. Though, marketing and promotional measures can partly prevail over this image, but ultimately it is the visitor’s experiences that matters. As amply proved elsewhere, it is necessary to recognize the importance of tourism as an activity for socio-economic development for the State. A comprehensive tourism policy highlighting the objective of tourism development in the state needs to be promulgated by the Government, and this policy enunciation precisely aims to point towards that direction.

of the Department of Tourism

The Department functions as the Nodal Agency for the development of Tourism in the State. It plays a crucial role in the implementing programmes of the infrastructural development, strengthening promotion and marketing efforts and generating tourism awareness to the general public. The following are the main function of the Department:

  1. Policy formulating and planning,
  2. Co-ordination and liasoning with various organizations and Department for overall tourism development inputs,
  3. Publicity, promotion and marketing facilities,
  4. Tourist Awareness Generation,
  5. Co-ordination and organizing Fairs and Festivals,
  6. Implementation of Tourism related projects under CSS and State Plan and NEC-DONER, NESIDS, PM-DIVINE & any other Tourism related funding agencies.
  7. Regulations: –
    1. Approval of Travel Agents, Tour Operators, Tourist Transport Operators.
    1. Approval and categorization of Home stay.


  1. Promote Nagaland as sustainable, community-centered tourism that celebrates the State’s culture and preserves its natural beauty.
  2. Ensure that tourism developments and benefits are broad-based to support local economy, social and economic prosperity starting from the grass-root level.
  3. Focus on niche and exclusive experiences that cater to discerning travelers seeking unique and authentic encounters.
  4. To create Nagaland as a Green Destination.
  5. Work towards afforestation and preservation of the varied traditional flora and fauna in its pursuit towards building the tourism industry.
  6. Thus with the Nagaland’s Tourism Policy it will envision creating the State’s Tourism Sector as an Industry.


  1. To position Nagaland as a prime destination for nature and culture based tourism and a key sector in the State’s economy;
  2. Improve and develop key tourism products;
  3. Develop quality tourism infrastructure and facilitation services;
  4. Provide Human Resource Development;
  5. Develop effective marketing plans and strategies;
  6. Create enabling environment for local tourism stakeholders.


  1. Promote tourism activities that have minimal negative impact on the environment, culture, and heritage of Nagaland, while maximizing the positive socio-economic benefits for local communities.
  2. Improve and expand the tourism infrastructure including transportation networks, accommodation facilities, tourist information centers, and public amenities such as sanitation and waste management systems.
  3. Integrate vernacular architecture into all tourism assets and infrastructural projects to reflect Naga architecture, heritage fostering sustainable design.
    1. Collaborate with tribal hohos (tribal councils) to gather traditional architectural designs that represent each tribe’s unique identity.
    1. Ensure that all new tourism infrastructure and developments, such as lodges, cultural centers, and rest areas, incorporate traditional Naga architecture.
    1. Maintain a balance between modern amenities and preserving the authenticity of the architectural designs.
  4. Encourage the development and promotion of diverse tourism products and experiences in Nagaland.
  5. Involve local communities in the planning, development, and management of tourism activities, ensuring their active participation and equitable distribution of benefits.
  6. Ensure Human Resource Development and Skill Enhancement initiatives for local residents, tourism industry professionals, and service providers to enhance their skills and knowledge in tourism management, hospitality, customer service, and sustainable practices.
  7. Develop effective marketing strategies to promote Nagaland as a unique and attractive tourism destination both domestically and internationally. Utilize various mediums such as digital platforms, tourism fairs, cultural festivals, and travel trade events to reach the target audience.
  8. Preserve and protect Nagaland’s natural and cultural heritage sites and traditional villages. Implement sustainable practices to conserve the environment and promote responsible tourism.
  9. Foster collaboration among various stakeholders, including government agencies, tourism industry associations, local communities, NGOs, and private sector enterprises, to create a unified approach towards tourism development and management in Nagaland.
  10. Establish and enforce quality standards for tourism services and facilities, including accommodations, tour operators, guides, and transportation providers. Ensure safety, hygiene, and professionalism in the tourism industry.
  11. To establish the best practices in the tourism sector for responsible tourism.


Nagaland Tourism Policy rests upon the following basic principles:

  1. At the institutional level, a framework has to be evolved which is government-led, private-sector driven and community-welfare oriented.
  2. All infrastructural developmental works related to tourism projects of any kind should be taken up in a well-planned and thought-out manner taking into consideration the viability and sustainability of the structure in a particular environment.
  3. Effective linkages and close coordination should be established with all allied Departments such as Environment & Forest, Art & Culture, Home, Rural Development, PHED, Roads & Bridges, Railways, Education, Municipal Affairs, Power, Agri & Allied, Industries & Commerce, Youth Resource and Sports etc.
  4. Encourage and provide assistance to promote entrepreneurship within the local communities and provide a conducive environment for public and private sectors collaboration and investments through facilitation.
  5. Brand Nagaland as a ‘Tourist Home’ & Green Destination for which special thrust should be imparted towards promotion of Village/Rural Tourism and Homestay in rural areas and small settlement which are the treasure trove of our natural and cultural wealth. For this, a Village Tourism Development Board (VTDB) will be established in all the rural tourism villages.
  6. Strengthen the brand image of Nagaland Tourism as a unique and ideal destination.
  7. Promotion and marketing of Tourism and all it products will be taken up in planned manner in national and international level.
  8. Quality tourism by advocating proper hygiene and solid waste management to all tourism destinations.
  9. Sustainability should serve as the dictum for any development and management of tourism whereby greater emphasis should be laid on eco-tourism.
  10. Development of human resource with due importance on capacity building/ training to local youth and tourism stakeholders in tourism related activities.


  1. Establish a comprehensive tourism policy framework that outlines the vision, objectives, and strategies for tourism development in the State to provide guidance for all stakeholders involved in the tourism sector.
  2. Foster active participation and collaboration among government agencies, local communities, tourism industry associations, NGOs, and private sector enterprises. Establish regular platforms for dialogue, consultation, and cooperation to ensure a coordinated and inclusive approach to tourism development.
  3. Develop a tourism master plan for Nagaland that includes a long-term strategic roadmap for tourism development. The master plan should identify key tourism products, infrastructure requirements, capacity-building initiatives, marketing strategies, and conservation measures.
  4. Facilitate public and private sector investments in tourism infrastructure development, product diversification, and capacity building. Establish funding mechanisms and incentives to attract investments and support entrepreneurship in the tourism sector.
  5. Identify and prioritize tourism products and experiences that align with Nagaland’s unique cultural and natural heritage and promote these products through digital platforms and targeted marketing campaigns and branding.
  6. Encourage the development of community-based tourism initiatives where local communities are actively involved in offering tourism experiences, showcasing their culture, and benefiting from tourism revenue. Support community enterprises, homestays, and community-led tour operations.
  7. Integrate sustainability principles into all aspects of tourism development and operations. Promote responsible tourism practices such as waste management, energy efficiency, water conservation, and the preservation of natural and cultural resources.
  8. Provide training programs and capacity-building initiatives to enhance the skills and knowledge of tourism industry professionals, local communities, and service providers.
  9. Develop a robust marketing and promotion strategy to raise awareness of Nagaland as a unique tourism destination by utilizing various channels, including digital marketing, social media, tourism fairs, road-shows, and collaborations with travel agents and tour operators.
  10. Establish a system for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of tourism policies, initiatives, and their impact on the economy, environment, and local communities.



Tourism plans should not be seen primarily as the responsibility of the Tourism Department alone. It is multi-sectored activity, involving the different segment of the Government, the Policymakers, the Legislators, the Bureaucrats and the common people who come in touch with tourists in various ways. The State’s Policy, therefore, would ensure the necessary linkages and synergy in the policies and programs of all concerned Departments and agencies involved in infrastructure development.

For developing a planned and a successful tourism industry, organizational structure need to be instituted, improved and augmented, as the tourism industry requires state and local level planning, provision of infrastructure, regulation, marketing and management of tourists infrastructure and attractions. The State Policy will address these issues of organizational structure at three levels:

  1. Apex level – Constitution of Tourism Advisory Council/Nagaland Tourism Council headed by the Minister-in-charge of Tourism to act as a “Think Tank”. Other members will include the Minister/Advisor of PWD (R&B), Rural Development, PHED, Forest & Environment, Horticulture, Agriculture, Tribal Affairs, Art & Culture, Industries, School Education, Urban Development & Municipal Affairs, the Chief Secretary and the Commissioner, Nagaland and any representative member from the Industry. The Commissioner/Secretary (Tourism) will be the Member Secretary and will meet at least once a year.

b) Departmental level –

  • Monitoring & Guidance Committee-The Nagaland Tourism Policy will have a High Level Committee under the Chairmanship of Administrative Head of Department (Tourism) and other members will include Adminstrative Heads of Agriculture, Horticulture, Rural Development, Works & Housing, PHED, Urban Development & Municipal Affairs, Art & Culture, Forest, Industries, School Education, Higher & Technical Education, Tribal Affairs, DUDA. The Director (Tourism) will be the Member Secretary of the Committee.
    • In order to achieve policy goals, the departmental organization also needs to be strengthened, with the creation of few posts, particularly at the managerial and execution level.
    • Nagaland Tourist information offices will be established/ strengthened in Delhi, Mumbai, Shillong and Guwahati in addition to the one in Kolkata and whenever Nagaland Houses are established in metropolitan cities by the State Government.
    • District Tourism Office to be set up in all the Districts of Nagaland for coordination at the District level whereby the District Tourist Officers should take the full responsibility of identifying the tourist spots in their respective Districts.
  • A “Research Cell cum Registration Cell” will be constituted in the Department of Tourism. The Cell will gather tourist-related information and statistics to prepare a Data bank and to give advice to the Department from time to time as well as see to the registration of all activities under the Nagaland Registration of Tourist Trade Act.
    • The State Tourism Department has a fully-fledged Engineering Cell created for creation and development of required infrastructure for Tourism Sector. It is headed by the Executive Engineer and supported by Sub-Divisional Officers and Junior Engineers.
    • The Department will also work in close coordination with the Nagaland Tourism Association (NTA) as the representative members of the industry in the State.

c) Attraction specific/local level –

  • Constitution of District Coordination Committee at every District, to be chaired by the Deputy Commissioner of each District. Other members could include the members of the Municipal Affairs/Town Committees, Village Councils/VDBs, concerned Departments and Organizations involved in tourism activities. The Tourist Officer will be Member Secretary of the Committee. The Committee will regulate the operation and management of all tourist infrastructures and advice the Government of developmental activities as per the capacity of places recommended.
    • Management of isolated attractions such as tourist rest houses, wayside amenities, waterfalls, picnic spots, etc., with minimum infrastructure would be in the hands of local organizations. This organization would also take care of the cleanliness and litter management of these attractions. DC, of each District will coordinate the constitution of each Committee in each of the identified tourist destinations as well as potential tourist spots.
    • All DC’s will also ensure that some of the developmental activities of tourism will also be incorporated in the District Plan Fund and in the programs of RD, R&B, PHED, Power Department etc.


a) Accommodation –

  • Hotels are important vital segment of the tourism infrastructure. It will, therefore, be the endeavor of the State Policy to have a list of Government approved/registered hotels/lodges under the State Tourist Trade Act, which would be expected to function within the laid down norms/guidelines of the Government. These hotels/lodges will also be subjected to regular inspection by a Committee, comprising of the Department of Tourism, Food and Sanitation, and the Police Administration. These approved hotels will feature in all the publication of the Department in the print as well as in the electronic media in India and abroad and will be eligible for incentives announced by the Government from time to time.
  • Home stays or Special Paying Guest Scheme will also be introduced in some selected places/villages for providing affordable and hygienic accommodation for both domestic and foreign tourists and to take care of the seasonal flow of tourists. Selection of such places will be on need basis requirement and tourist potential area of the place. Appropriate regulatory guidelines will be brought out in this regard.
    • Participation of private reputed entrepreneurs from outside the State will also be encouraged in the setting up of and management of quality and standard tourist infrastructures on a joint ventures basis.
    • All proposals for accommodation infrastructures to be built up, such as lodges/ resorts/hotels etc. by private entrepreneurs will require the clearance of the Tourism Department, for strict adherence to the requirements specified above.
    • All Tourist Lodges in the districts & sub- divisions should not be leased out to any sources or agencies.

b.Tour Operators/Travel Agents – Travel Agents and Tour Operators constitute an important sector of tourism industry and it will be the State Policy to issue special permits to tour operators/travel agents who are registered with the Department of Tourism, Nagaland in the interest of promoting tourism within the State. These travel agents and tour operators will be granted all possible assistance from the State Government for accommodation, transportation, travel permits, liaisoning with the Districts etc. and will be eligible for all incentives of the State Government.

c.Introduction of the Nagaland Registration of Tourist Trade Act – There is a need to introduce the Tourist Trade Act and Rules in the State, to provide for regulation and promotion of tourism in the State by way of registration of persons dealing with the tourists and matters therewith, and to ensure a coordinated and regulated development of tourism in the State.

d. Transport infrastructure – In the absence of other means of transport within Nagaland (like Rail, Waterways etc) the State needs a huge boost in the development of transport infrastructures. A good network of road connectivity is the basic requirement coupled with adequate means of good road transportation such as coaches, taxis and so on to facilitate comfortable movement of tourists to different destinations. For this, the Department will require some tourist coaches which are adequately equipped to meet the needs of tourists. The infrastructure for tourist transportation is currently dispersed and mostly run and operated by tour companies of other States during peak seasons. Hence, most of the generated revenues from the transport sector during the festival flow out of the State through sourcing. To enhance the tourism transportation sector, the following initiatives may be taken up in a time bound manner.

Government will, through NIDC, NEDFI etc, also introduce suitable schemes to encourage private tour operators/travel agents to operate tourist taxi/coaches etc, within the State for hiring of such vehicles by the tourists.

  • The Government may also take into account the possibility of procuring high- end tourist vehicles and minibuses on a subsidized model that may be run by locally registered tourism entrepreneurs. The State’s fleet will increase as a result of this program, and local youth will have work prospects.

It has been observed that there are no set of standards in terms of timing, services and fares that are charged by the existing taxi operators. One reason why the existing local tourist taxis are not able to attract business is the exorbitant rates charged. Therefore, it is important to have a competitive pricing policy. Efforts shall be made to regulate such practices in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders.

e. Development of Inland Waterways for Tourism in Nagaland – Nagaland has a vast network of rivers and water bodies that could be used to develop inland waterways for tourism. The prospects for developing inland waterways for tourism in Nagaland offer a wide range of opportunities. It is a sustainable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly way to develop tourism in the state by contributing to the local economy through tourism-related services, constructing essential infrastructure, improve access to remote areas of Nagaland, promote responsible tourism practices, create jobs and promote cultural exchange between Nagaland and other parts of India and the world. The Department will aim to:

Identify suitable rivers or water bodies for developing inland waterways as a unique mode of tourism transportation.

Collaborate with engineering and environmental experts to design sustainable and eco-friendly waterway routes.

Introduce guided boat tours that showcase the natural beauty, tribal settlements, and cultural sites along the water routes.

f) Setting up proper Tourist Felicitation facilities at all State entry/exit points –

A visitor’s first impression of a place is very much based on at the facilities available in its airport, railway and bus station. It will be the State Policy to provide transport services, information counters, telephone and internet facilities etc. which will contribute in generating a tourist friendly atmosphere. These points are especially important in the present circumstances where permits are required to enter the State. The tourists should be able to book their accommodation and travel from these centres and such information should be easily available. The design of such centres should reflect the identity of the State. Further, these centres could be an employment opportunity mainly for women and youth.

g. Barrier Free Design approach for differently-abled people – People with different abilities and older persons are now becoming a growing group of consumers of travel, sports and other tourism-oriented products and services. In an effort to tap the potential of this group for promotion of tourist destinations in the State, it will be the concerted effort of the State Tourism Policy to include barrier-free concept in all the infrastructure designs which are being created with central financial assistance for indoor and outdoor spaces to make the tourist spaces universal and accessible to all. Additionally, to minimise the barriers encountered by the differently-abled, staff and human resource training will be prioritized to treat them with courtesy and efficiency, provide complete information on services and facilities available, and facilitate access to non-accessible services – this will include training guides in sign language.

h. Development of Inter State Circuits – Inter-State Tourism Circuits will be developed by linking the important places of other States across the borders of Nagaland with other circuits. In due course, networking with tourism promotion agencies in Government as well as private sector in neighboring States will be strengthened.

i. Nagaland Tourism Department Single Window System (NTSW) – One of the most critical aspect and approach to elevate the tourism industry is by using Information Technology (IT) as an enabler to integrate all tourism related processes of the Department under a single platform. This will facilitate and monitor all tourism related activities in the State of Nagaland through a single online mobile app based integrated end-to-end platform which will enable the below:

  • To register all tourism related businesses – home stays, tour operators, experience providers etc. with the Department and regulate/monitor their activities.
  • Tourists to easily access any information, plans and book trips completely online, easily and conveniently.
  • Ease of doing business for tourism based entrepreneurs.
  • Accurate tourism data for the Department at the touch of a button.
  • Smart e-Governance solution for the Department.
  • Facilitation by Department for tourists and entrepreneurs.

  • Improved revenue generation for the Government.

All tourism related activities within the State of Nagaland will function only through the NTSW by registering all tour operators and experience providers from within and outside the State thus enabling the Department to deliver efficient and effective regulation, monitoring and facilitation to create a modern, conducive and thriving tourism industry.

j. Social Media: The Department in its policy aims to actively utilize social media to present inspirational, tourism-related content to visitors and encourage social media engagement for marketing strategy and promotion.

k. Educational trips and familiarization trips: The Policy recognizes that the most successful sales measure is still the direct contact with the product itself. The State will organize, each year, education trips for travel agents and tour operators to discover first-hand the diversity of what Incredible India has to offer. Back in their respective markets, these are then the best ambassadors, as they can competently explain the experience to the customer.

l. High Impact participation in Travel Fairs/Marts and Exhibition: The State will lead high impact participation in the important international travel fairs/marts and exhibitions in at least one event every year. State Pavilions will be made more vibrant with activities, with more impact and meaningful participation enabling preference as a prelude to destination choice. The State will also promote important fairs and festivals and support to important tourism related events and major travel marts & exhibitions organized in the State for promotion of tourism. These fairs and festivals can also see significant international visitors apart from domestic visitor.


Nagaland Tourism Policy will strive to identify areas and investors with investment potential. The State will accordingly follow a destination with centric approach to planning and development of tourism. Potential areas of future development of tourism products in Nagaland are:

  1. WILDLIFE/ECO-TOURISM – Eco-tourism focuses on volunteering personal growth and learning new ways to live; typically involving travel to destination where flora, fauna and cultural heritage are the primary attractions. An integral part of eco- tourism is in the promotion of recycling, energy efficiency, water conservations and creation of economic opportunities for the local communities. Nagaland has a vast potential for ecotourism development and therefore, the Department’s policies and activities are framed in the line of eco-tourism. Khonoma, Dzulekie, Dzukou valley, Mt. Saramati, Green Dikhu Project, Benreu, Sendenyu Bio-Diversity Conservation are some of the popular eco-tourism spots in Nagaland. The State is also a viable location for promoting Cinematic tourism in the near future.
  2. AGRO-TOURISM – Agro-Tourism is a form of niche tourism that involves any agriculturally based operation or activity People have become more interested in going back to the basics, leading a rustic life, and in how their food is produced etc. They want to meet farmers and processors and talk with them about what goes into food production, they see the source of their food, be it a dairy cow, an ear of corn growing in a field, or an apple they can pick right off a tree. This form of tourism can prove to be a popular concept for a State like Nagaland where over 70% of the population is still entirely dependent on agriculture as their main source of income. The Apple Festival in Thanamir, Kiphire; Kiwi Farms in Phek District; Pineapple Plantation in Medziphema etc; are some of the few examples that can be promoted under this genre. The Dragon Fruit and other tropical fruit farms in the foothills of Nagaland can also come under this form of tourism. All we need is to build basic farm houses with modern amenities like showers, clean linen, European type commodes, solar lighting etc. to accommodate the prospective tourists.

c. ADVENTURE/SPORTS TOURISM – Nature has blessed Nagaland with lofty mountain and terrain and spiraling trekking routes which makes the State ideal for adventure and sport tourism such as mountaineering, trekking, zip lining, gliding, and mountain biking, cycling, rafting, angling and rock climbing. Some of the identified potential spots for adventure sports in Nagaland are Dzukou Valley, Dzuleke, Mt. Japfu, Mt. Saramati, Satoi Range etc. Doyang and Tizu rivers are ideal spots for river sports. You will find varieties of fishes like local Trout, Indian Masheer and Salmon. Both in terms of culture of natives and natural terrain, tourists have something new and exciting to look forward to in near future. Paragliding has been recently introduced in Pfutsero and Khezhakeno region of Phek District, Nagaland. The Department should collaborate with Department of Youth Resources to promote this sector.

d. HERITAGE TOURISM – Nagaland does not have many heritage sites compared to other States in the Country. Therefore, it is the State Policy to develop important sites of historical importance. Some of the few identified historical sites are:- The War Cemetery, Kohima; Medieval Kachari Kingdom Ruins, Dimapur; Khonoma Village, Kohima District; historical site at Naganimora-Mon District; Chungliyimti, Molungyimsen & Impur- 1st Baptist Mission in Nagaland at Mokokchung District; Naga Heritage Complex, Kisama at Kohima, Skull Stone Cist and stone monuments associated with head hunting among the Konyaks, Pot Burial sites at Laruri and Mimi Village, prehistoric caves and rock shelter sites of Mimi region, etc.

e. CULTURAL TOURISM/FAIRS & FESTIVAL – Fairs and Festivals not only reflect the rich cultural heritage of Nagaland, but have also become the biggest attraction for tourists. The Government will endeavour to tie up with the NEZCC and the Department of Art & Culture to organise and promote these traditional festivals and take tourism to all tourist destinations of Nagaland. It will also be the Government policy to accord priority for the infrastructural development, improvement and marketing of such places.

f. MUSIC TOURISM – Music is an integral part of the life of the Nagas. The Naga oral tradition is kept alive through the media of folk tales and songs. Nagaland is the first State in India to have introduced ‘Music as an Industry’. The Music Task Force of Nagaland was created by the Government to encourage Naga musicians to take up music as a profession rather than a hobby. The Hornbill National Rock Contest is an integral event of the Hornbill Festival. It is a National-level contest and boasts of being the longest music festival in the Country.

g. MONSOON TOURISM – Nagaland has a largely monsoon climate with high humidity levels. The region looks the best in monsoon when everything is so green and drenched. If one doesn’t mind a little rain, can visit Kohima which looks splendid during monsoon, when the place is completely covered with lush grasses and lilies, and the spellbinding streams and valleys running in between. Then, there are few waterfalls like Triple Fall at Seithekema and Phesama and Khonoma, Dzukou Waterfall that look exquisite in monsoon besides the evident nature gifted landscapes and beautifully set terrains.

h. CULINARY TOURISM – Culinary Tourism forms an integral part of local life and is forged by the history, culture, economy and society of a territory. Nagaland’s diverse and fascinating food offers a captivating culinary journey into the heart of the region’s rich traditions. Naga cuisines are an extraordinary blend of unique flavors’ and ingredients. Every Naga tribe contributes its distinct culinary identity resulting in a diverse array of dishes showcasing resourcefulness through traditional cooking techniques. Along with authentic, traditional and innovative experiences, this form of tourism may also involve other related activities such as visiting the local producers and local homestays, participating in food festivals and attending cooking classes providing immersive experiences.

i. WELLNESS/HERBAL TOURISM – Forests of Nagaland are one among those having rich bio-diversity especially in terms of flora. Located in one of the 25 hotspots regions of the world in terms of bio-diversity with forests covering an area of 13,318, Nagaland possesses a vast variety of herbal and medicinal plants. This exotic feature creates a great potential for promotion of Wellness Tourism in Nagaland. This form of tourism is currently being practiced in a small scale by indigenous people in the remote regions of Nagaland having the innate knowledge for herbal medicines and massages that provide holistic healing and rejuvenation.

j. EXPERIENTIAL/RURAL TOURISM – “Experiential or immersion travel/experience”, is a form of tourism which allows people to experience a particular place by connecting to its history, people and culture by living it. It emphasizes different areas of local life-culinary, culture, history, shopping, nature or social life and can herewith be the basis for a holistic travel experience. Development of Rural Tourism is one of the few activities which can provide a solution to promote these various types of tourism. The increasing levels of awareness, growing interest in heritage and culture and improved accessibility, environmental consciousness are some factors which are shifting the trend towards rural tourism. The Tourism Policy aims to implement such form of tourism through Village Tourism Development Board (VTDB).

k. TEXTILE TOURISM – Nagaland is popularly known for its vibrant handicrafts, predominantly textiles but also woodcarving, lacquer work, and handlooms. Over the years, the interest of the tourist is undergoing a paradigm shift from leisure to a more sustainable way of life. Having said this, Textile Tourism is the most promising new tourism product which can be tapped for promotion and preservation of the arts and crafts of Nagaland. The Department will strive to revive rural arts and crafts, and involved women and skilled artisans to give unique experiences to the tourist by conducting immersive themed handicraft tours to Nagaland.


is also one of the fastest growing in the global tourism industry. The potential for MICE in Nagaland is enormous. However, at the same time, the State faces numerous challenges, of which the most critical is lack of proper infrastructure, accommodations, access and connectivity and amenities. The Department will take steps for setting up modern conventions facilities wherever possible destinations have potential.

m. GOLF TOURISM – Of late, Government of India is encouraging and promoting golf tourism because of its economic, social and environmental impact having prospects for generating large employment & revenue. Golf represents the largest sports-related travel market and is estimated that over 50 million Golf tourists travel the world to play on an estimated 32,000 golf courses. Recognizing this potential to develop Golf as a niche tourism product for attracting both international and domestic tourists. The game of Golf can be introduced to the Nagas. The foothill of Dimapur; Lowho Lake at Khezhakeno Village, Phek District and the spontaneous valleys and pristine landscapes of Nagaland offer incredible scope for development of golf tourism. Linking Golf Tournaments with Hornbill Festival calendar can be a concept that can be introduced. Golf Tournaments can be planned and organized in consultation with Indian Golf Association (IGA) and its units such as Northeast/Assam/Upper Assam, Meghalaya Golf Associations etc). Specific calendar dates can be blocked to host Golf tournament according to the Hornbill Festival Week.

n. CINEMATIC/FILM TOURISM – Nagaland holds immense potential for developing film tourism due to its rich cultural heritage, diverse landscapes, and unique traditions. The State’s picturesque mountains, lush forests, and vibrant tribal communities offer a captivating backdrop for filmmakers. By focusing on film- friendly policies, infrastructure development, and strategic marketing, Nagaland can attract filmmakers and tourists alike. Leveraging its distinct identity, Nagaland has the opportunity to showcase its beauty and cultural richness to a global audience, leading to economic growth, job opportunities, and sustainable development in the region.

o.  MEDICAL TOURISM – The prospects of medical tourism in Nagaland are promising, as the state has been gradually gaining recognition for its healthcare facilities and traditional wellness practices. With a focus on holistic healing and a rich cultural heritage, Nagaland offers a unique blend of conventional and alternative healthcare options. The state’s serene landscapes and diverse tribal culture also contribute to the appeal for wellness seekers. As Nagaland continues to develop its healthcare sector and with the establishment of a new medical institute in Nagaland, the state has the potential to attract visitors seeking specialized treatments, rejuvenation, and a culturally immersive healthcare experience. Overall, the combination of a new medical institute and effective promotional strategies could significantly boost medical tourism in Nagaland.


Tourism is a labour intensive activity and skilled manpower is an important requirement for sustained tourism development. It will, therefore, be the State Policy to adequately lay emphasis on this vital aspect of tourism and manpower development. Training will be given due weightage to ensure efficient service and management of tourist facilities for maximum returns of investments made.

  1. Training programs in the tourism field such as customer service, hospitality and etiquette, tour guiding, language and communication skills, marketing and sales, destination management, cultural awareness, safety and emergencypreparedness, sustainable tourism practices, leadership and management, and technology and digital skills. These programs aim to enhance the skills and knowledge of tourism professionals, ensuring excellent service, cultural sensitivity, effective communication, and responsible tourism practices. Customization, practical learning, and collaboration with industry stakeholders will be the worked out for the success of these training initiatives.
  2. Given the importance of ensuring tourist safety, safety and emergency preparedness training programs will also be provided to cover areas such as first aid, emergency response, risk management, and crisis communication to handle unforeseen situations effectively.
  3. In today’s digital age, digital skills are very much relevant to the tourism industry. Training programs with focus on enhancing technology, reservation systems, online booking platforms, social media management, and digital marketing tools etc. will be provided.
  4. Sustainable  Tourism  practices  training  to  promote  environmentally  and socially responsible tourism practices and educates tourism professionals about sustainable tourism principles, conservation of natural resources, waste management, and responsible tourism operations.
  • The tourism sector will provide huge employment opportunities in a range of segments including hotels, restaurants, travel agents and tour operators, tourist transport, eco and adventure tourism, tourist guides and other related areas. The Policy, therefore, recognizes that trained manpower is required not only to meet the demand of tourism and hospitality sector but keeping in view that tourism is driven by visitor experience, the people in the industry have to be well trained to deliver a positive experience to the visitors. The Policy accordingly advocates providing employable skills to our youth in line with the opportunities in the market.


Marketing of the tourism products of an area is essential in order to inform prospective tourists what the area has to offer, as well as to persuade them to visit it. Today tourism industry is a highly competitive arena with many destinations competing against each other to attract the potential tourists. Thus, the State has to be prepared to meet this competition through an aggressive marketing strategy by:

  1. Production of publicity materials, such as brochures, tourist literatures, handouts, audio-visual materials/films etc, hosting of websites etc.
  2. Media advertising in specific journals, periodicals, hoardings, internet etc.
  3. Wide participation in various Domestic, National and International Tourism related Conferences, Fairs and Festivals and Marts.
  4. Thrust on public relations during the first phase of tourism development by organization FAM tours for travel writers and travel agents of other States and Countries.
  5. Innovative Schemes for tourism related event organizers – The State Tourism Policy will endeavor to introduce innovative schemes for tourism related event organizers by organizing creative events that contribute directly to the local economy. Creative individuals and organizations will be able to avail the Nagaland Tourism Event Scheme to organize events which will attract out-of-district or out- of-state tourists into the event destination. A set of guidelines will be drafted and notified which will provide opportunity to event organizers to register with Tourism Department and provide them with the creative freedom to develop events and experiences to attract tourists with special focus on eco-tourism, adventure and sustainable rural tourism. The best event with the highest inflow of tourists and benefit to the local farmers, craftsman etc. thereby uplifting the local economy will be eligible for awards and inducted by the Government into the official tourism calendar.


Financing of the Tourism Department’s development activities are primarily from three sources- State, Central and NEC-DONER. However, the fund availability to the Department is most inadequate for the development of tourism in the State. As such, it will be effort of the State Policy to try various funding avenues in a process to make the activity economically feasible and sustainable. All proposals/projects must be worked out like business proposals considering all possible projections. The State/Central Governments may provide limited assistance for the initial gestation period. However, a definite strategy has to be worked out for the long-term maintenance of such facilities. The other funding avenues should be tapped. Various Government Departments and Organizations provide specialize funding for specific projects related to their activities and tourism sector being a versatile sector could tap these resources. The tourist infrastructure could be also used for such complementary activities and made sustainable. Nagaland has potential to attract private investments in tourism sectors. However, it will depend on the other factors adversely affecting the Northeast region. The State Government has already identified tourism as an industry. Now it must begin to treat the tourism sector like a Public Sector Industry. Tourism industry is likely to provide tremendous socio-economic benefits to the State with multiplier effects. It is a fast growing and non-polluting industry, most suitable for a State like Nagaland. The State Government must invest/divert substantial funds in this sector to reap quick overall benefits.


  1. Under the State Industrial Policy of Nagaland, 2000, Tourism has been accorded the status of “Priority Sector”. Accordingly, Government orders will be issued making tourism activities eligible for all benefits to the industry. Only such units which comply with the prescribed norm of recognition and whose projects have been approved by the Department would be eligible for these benefits, as contained in the State Industrial Policy of 2000, in area of central subsidy for small and medium scale sector, transport etc. and the State subsidy on power generation and power tariff, water supply, tax exemption etc.
  2. Financial corporations like NMFC/NSFC/NEDFI/TECI etc. will be associated to finance profitable projects like hotels, restaurant, transport service, travel agent etc. All such projects, will however be subjected to clearance from the Department for location, viability view.
  3. Incentives on Human Resource Development for Nagaland Bonafide Tourism and Hospitality Entrepreneurs:
  • The Tourism Unit will get Human Resource Development subsidy if it sends its employees to a government-recognized institution or registered/approved unit for technical training in order to upgrade their abilities. This financial aid will be given to the organization that agrees to keep all of the taught employees on staff for at least six months after they complete their training.
    • Tourism courses would include courses for personnel working in hotels, resorts, restaurants, transportation booking, tourism marketing, tour operations, tourist guide, ticketing and any other related course as notified by the State Government from time to time. Reimbursement of course fees will be subject to trainees’ post-course skill evaluation by a third party. After successfully completing their course, trained individuals must work for six months before receiving their stipend.
  • Support for Marketing and promotion for Nagaland Bonafide Tourism and Hospitality Entrepreneurs:
    • The Department of Tourism shall assist in marketing and promotion for Eligible Tourism Units such as Tour Operators, Travel Agents, Home-Stays, Hotels and any other bonafide tourism-related activities recognized by the State Government.
    • This incentive is available to any businesses that provide tourism services in the State of Nagaland and are registered with the Tourism Department. The State Government shall announce the name and number of these national and international events for which this incentive will be offered at the beginning of each fiscal year.
    • The Tourism Department will provide financial assistance to registered tourism entrepreneurs one event/year to a tourism unit/company/firm for organizing a Tourism event in the State.
  • Tourism Excellence Awards: Excellence awards will be provided to Nagaland bonafide Tourism and Hospitality Entrepreneurs which offers recognition and contribution to tourism growth. The various categories are mentioned below:
    • Best Tour Operator
    • Best Tour Guides
    • Best Home-Stays
    • Any other related or new entrepreneur that may be reviewed from time to time.


Tourism is the all round development of the human society as such Tourism Department should not work in isolation. In fact, the Tourism Department should act as a co-ordinating agency to develop the tourism potential in the State in different interesting areas. This will help the Tourism Department to use its limited resources judiciously. There are other Government Departments like Forest, Art & Culture, Tribal Affairs, Rural Development, Agriculture & Horticulture, Education, Municipal Affairs, Sports, etc. The activities and programmes of these Departments could be designed to suit the tourism potential of the State and Tourism Department should give these inputs to these Departments. Wildlife and Adventure Tourism are the upcoming and very promising sectors and they could be effectively and sustainably developed as the joint projects and programmes. Recognizing the deep rooted relationship of tourism and the natural environment, forests and wildlife, greater emphasis will be laid on eco-tourism whereby sustainability will be the focal point of the policy. At present, there are no such attempts and this must be developed immediately since this is the most sensible and sustainable approachResponsible tourism is gaining widespread acceptance across the world today. Tourism-related institutions and groups of conscious people are giving more thought to how local communities are impacted by visitors. The State Policy will endeavor to safeguard local economies and the environment, while ensuring that the tourists carry home pleasant memories.

  • The Policy recognizes that one of the key elements of the visitor experience is availability of basic services at any tourist destination and attraction. While there have been improvements and efforts being made in this direction but there are still gaps in the situation on ground and expected service levels. The tourists shall be welcomed at main points of arrival by air, rail or road at various destinations. Tourist information centres will be set up at all such important locations by the Department. These centres will provide information about the destination, facilitate and guide the tourists.

Nagaland Tourism Policy will uphold the guiding principles for Responsible Tourism identified in the Cape Town Declaration on Responsible Tourism in 2002:

  • Guiding Principles for Economic Responsibility
    • Assess economic impacts before developing tourism and exercise preference for those forms of development that benefit local communities and minimize negative impacts on local livelihoods (for example through loss of access to resources), recognizing that tourism may not always be the most appropriate form of local economic development.
      • Maximize local economic benefits by increasing linkages and reducing leakages, by ensuring that communities are involved in, and benefit from, tourism. Wherever possible use tourism to assist in poverty reduction by adopting pro- poor strategies.
      • Develop quality products that reflect, complement, and enhance the destination.
      • Market tourism in ways which reflect the natural, cultural and social integrity of the destination, and which encourage appropriate forms of tourism.
      • Adopt equitable business practices, pay and charge fair prices, and build partnerships in ways in which risk is minimised and shared, and recruit and employ staff recognising international labour standards.
      • Provide appropriate and sufficient support to small, medium and micro enterprises to ensure tourism-related enterprises thrive and are sustainable.
  • for Social
    • Actively involve the local community in planning and decision-making and provide capacity building to make this a reality.
      • Endeavour to make tourism an inclusive social experience and to ensure that there is access for all, in particular vulnerable and disadvantaged communities and individuals.
      • Combat the sexual exploitation of human beings, particularly the exploitation of children.
      • Be sensitive to the host culture, maintaining and encouraging social and cultural diversity.
      • Endeavour to ensure that tourism contributes to improvements in health and education.
    • Guiding Principles for Environmental Responsibility
      • Assess environmental impacts throughoutthe life cycle of tourist establishments and operations – including the planning and design phase – and ensure that negative impacts are reduced to the minimum and maximize positive ones.
      • Use resources sustainably, and reduce waste and overconsumption.
      • Manage natural diversity sustainably, and where appropriate restore it; and consider the volume and type of tourism that the environment can support, and respect the integrity of vulnerable ecosystems and protected areas.
      • Promote education and awareness for sustainable development – for all


  • Raise the capacity of all stakeholders and ensure that best practice is followed, for this purpose consult with environmental and conservation experts.
    • Strengthening and development of tourism management guidelines for sustainable tourism akin to the Bhutan Tourism Model of ‘High Value, Low Volume’ which will aim to promote Nagaland as an “exclusive travel destination”. While tourism can help to promote cultural interchange and enhance existing friendships, it should be developed with sustainability in mind. Tourism that is commercially profitable, environmentally and ecologically responsible, and socially and culturally acceptable.
      • Provisioning carrying capacity based tourism destination development.
      • Encouraging green practices at all tourist destinations

Nagaland Tourism

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